So did you manage to get any fitter during Covid summer 2020? Or were you like me- busy buying fitness equipment, watching a lot of movies and soaking up enough sun to make it through winter?
Oh and one more thing - since you brought fitness equipment are you eating smarter and getting more rest?

Well, I have been working out - as a trainer I have to do something! Experimenting this summer with different workouts since there is no longer access to metal machines and pools. Body weight is a trend. Core never went out of style. Kicking and punching a double bag. Rollerblading!! Walking of course. Doing 16 minutes of step ups - not step class! Calisthenics - ie. push ups/ sit ups and hoping you can progress to the parallel bars at the Park. Class in the Park- Outdoors. TRX. Zoom meetings. Skyping. Duo app phone calls. Remote working. Making instructional videos. etc.
Some of you finally actually having time to workout from home got a new perspective. I also heard about better self care , slowing down. having quiet, better pacing since work slowed down. More Hydration. Almost consistent hand washing. Looking out for neighbors. Wearing masks around the grandparents .
Since school has started for most let us hope that from voting age and up , there is an appreciation of HISTORY as they live through something even our grandparents cannot remember.
And lets try to stay healthy because if we have an exceptionally cold winter Covid or not, bad weather makes it harder and more expensive for everyone.
Here is your Fall to End of 2020 checklist.
A stocked freezer
Less red meat (too many companies with sick staff)
More fruit
More Hydration
Changing positions at the computer from sit to stand several times daily
Avoid touching surfaces in public then absentmindedly touch face /rub eyes
Drinking less hard alcohol and if drinking any alcohol include fruit with it especially citrus fruits. Fruit- NOT as a garnish but as an accompaniment
Eat colorful foods like Bell Peppers, Broccoli & Tomatoes
Cinnamon, Ginger & Turmeric in your pick- me -up smoothie drinks (just gently heat first these spices work better in the body when allowed to cool in hot water almost as if they were teas
Garnish foods with Scallions and onions and Garlic
Stress definitely contributes to lowered immunity So play a game with your computer your pet(s) or your kid(s)
Raise your endorphins with some fun activity at your space.
Angle for a four day work week.
It is going to be an interesting time between now and the end of the year. Most people will be ready to say goodbye to 2020.Winter starts December 20th 2020- by using this checklist you will be ready for 2021.