About Us
Seafood 4 U Now offers cooking demonstrations, seafood delivery, classes and catering. From a small backyard shindig to a dinner party or birthday, we will make your event special.
To bring inspiration and innovation to seafood lovers everywhere & to improve your quality of life through outstanding nutrition.
Many grocery stores sell fish that has been frozen twice. The fish is caught in American waters, quickly frozen, then shipped to China, where it is thawed and made ready for sale-boned, filleted, etc. It is then frozen a second time and sent back to U.S. for sale in markets across the country.
We are a locally owned company.
Our seafood is wild caught mainly from U.S. and Canadian Fisherman.
Our extensive line of seafood is flash-frozen and cryovac-packed (not ice-packed) at sea for maximum taste and freshness.
All our seafood is Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) approved. MSC ensures its certified suppliers supply customers with sustainable seafood.
Our seafood comes from a traceable source.
No food coloring dyes in any of our products.
What drives us? A brief history of how I came to create Seafood 4 U Now, LLC. I have always been a very physical person my whole life. My various livelihoods which have all tied into health and fitness started out when I was a newspaper boy back when you walked or biked (rain or shine). I was also a tennis instructor and, now, am a certified personal fitness trainer. I also competed in martial arts for a number of years, ran track and field, and participated in triathlons.
The bigger question is what fuel did my training partners and I use? My dear mother who was from Bermuda was always making great seafood dishes three or four times per week for our family growing up & for me and some of my best friends/workout buddies later. “Better fuel for better performance," Mom would say.
As a certified personal fitness trainer, I have found many of my clients over the years fall off the wagon in the area of nutrition. Its no wonder, with processed foods so readily available and from some of the oddest sources. Some of these companies are the same that advertised and sold cigarettes back in the 50's, 60's, 70’s and 80’s (nicotine being one of the most addictive substances on the planet, included) and now they want to sell you addictive substances for the 21st century such as: phase 2 fat, salt and sugar. Many of the snack and junk foods you buy now are manufactured by former big tobacco companies but that’s a story for another time.
Our mission is simple: We want you to enjoy both the athletic performance and health benefits of seafood, in the most consistently delicious form that you’ve ever experienced. Our seafood is different because it is wild caught mainly from U.S. and Canadian fisherman and all our seafood is Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) approved. There are no food coloring dyes in any of our products.
Delivering our very best gourmet seafood to your door. Seafood 4 U Now, LLC imports sustainable gourmet seafood - satisfaction guaranteed. We bring in the finest quality seafood so you do not have to compromise quality or pay exorbitant store prices.
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